

High-level Regional Meeting for Labour Inspectorates in the Western Balkans

In the frame of the ILO ESAP, a High Level regional meeting for Directors of Labour Inspectorates was organised in Tirana, on 27 - 28 March 2019, in which the Labour Inspections of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop regional cooperation with the aim of ensuring the right of every worker to safe and fair working conditions, as an essential element of social policy.

The memorandum represents the framework for the extension and strengthening of the institutional relations at multilateral level. It will contribute to promote an understanding of the different labour inspection national systems and practices in the sub-region (including policies, strategies and tools to address compliance problems), to encourage information-sharing between national labour inspection services based on their experiences when monitoring the implementation of the legislation, and to develop a virtual space for a rapid exchange of information to assist in cross-border enforcement.