Select where you are from
You are one of XYZ young people of xyz citizens living in XY
one of around 18 million citizens of the Western Balkans
OK, so this makes you one of XY% young women from XY in an active job pursuit!
Oh, are you telling us that you’re the same as XY% of young people from XY who are inactive in the labour market? ☹️
XY% of young women your age from the EU actively participate in the labour market in their countries!
Good for you! 👍
This makes you one of XY% young women from XY who are employed!
Oh, hope this changes soon. 🤞
But sadly, you are not alone
XY% of all young women from XY are unemployed?
For your information, your peers from the EU are in better situation:
Xy% of them are EMPLOYED
What is your level of education?
XY% of youth in XY with LOW education are EMPLOYED
Nice to hear that!
Good luck with your upskilling & in finding the job afterwards! 😎️
You are a NEET then – this means a young person that is Neither in Employment, Education or Training!
Again, you’re not alone
In XY you are the one of xy% of young NEET women.
Estimates show that there are around 530 thousand young NEET people in the Western Balkans, out of which 352 thousand are estimated to be unregistered.
Western Balkan NEETs rate for young women is XY
In the EU rate of young women not in employment, education or training is XY
So you’ll be glad to hear that the EU as part of its Economic and Investment plan for Western Balkans is proposing implementation of Youth Guarantees in the region
Now is a good time to learn 😊
EU Youth Guarantee aims to give all young people under the age of 30 a good quality offer of
continued education
apprenticeship or
within 4 months of either leaving formal education or becoming unemployed.
And EU as part of its Economic and Investment plan for Western Balkans is proposing implementation of Youth Guarantees in the Western Balkans