RCC ESAP 3: Third phase of the Employment and Social Affairs Platform Project (ESAP) kicked off in Budva, Montenegro

ESAP 3 project brought together its partners for a two-day event, held in a hybrid format, to mark the beginning of the Phase 3 of the project
(Budva) - The Employment and Social Affairs Platform 3 (ESAP 3) project, jointly implemented by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and International Labour Organisation (ILO), and financed by the European Union, marked the beginning of Phase 3. The two-day hybrid event “Balanced Labour Markets in the Western Balkans: Innovative Solutions for a Sustainable Workforce” was held in Budva, Montenegro on 22 – 23 October 2024.
Laura Corrado, Head of Unit International Affairs, from Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL), European Commission said at the opening of the event that the EU enlargement process remains the top priority for the European Commission and that all EU institutions stand ready to support the region in the complex path of the EU accession. She added that the importance of the ESAP 3 project lies in addressing different components of effective labour market and social policies, tackling undeclared work, formalisation, approximation of Western Balkans to labour and social standards, fostering social dialogue, and raising standards in occupational safety and health. The very positive evaluation of the first two phases of the ESAP project demonstrated its added value and impactfulness.
Key figures that illustrate the disparities between our region and the EU, demand our collective focus. Overall unemployment in the Western Balkans Six (WB6) in 2023 was at 12.4%, a striking contrast to the EU's 6.1%, while the female unemployment rate reflects a similar disparity. The most concerning numbers are those of youth unemployment, standing at a sobering 26.9%, nearly double the EU average of 14.5%.
Pranvera Kastrati, Head of the Programme Department of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) reflected on the second declaration of the Common Regional Market Action Plan, endorsed at the Berlin Process Summit last week, with the Employment and Social Affairs being very high on the agenda for the Western Balkans Six. In that context, the components of ESAP project are highly relevant and important for the region. The success of the project wouldn’t be possible without the high involvement and committed cooperation between Western Balkan Six project partners. The kick off of the Phase 3 is the moment for all of us to celebrate, and I wish us all successful implementation, she concluded.
The first day of the event was marked by the panel discussion on the employment and social outlook of the Western Balkans-Six, occupational safety and health, and social dialogue. Additionally, the afternoon session formally initiated the mutual cooperation between the Western Balkans Public Employment Services (PES) and the EU PES Network.
The day concluded with a sewing workshop and a presentation by the Union of Young Entrepreneurs of Montenegro, where participants had the opportunity to learn more about their work and impact on young solopreneurs and Montenegrin creatives.
The official part on the second day of the ESAP kick-off event hosted the first plenary session of the Western Balkans Network for Tackling Undeclared Work, and the meeting on aligning with EU Acquis Chapters 2 & 19, with productive discussions and next steps agreed.
The figures from the latest Balkan Barometer, stating that 82% of the citizens of the Western Balkans-Six support regional cooperation, were once again proven at this hybrid conference, which gathered over 80 representatives from the Western Balkans Six ministries in charge of labour and social issues, labour inspectorates, tax administrations, public employment services, and social partners, all dedicated to regional cooperation. The kick off event also hosted representatives of the European Union, partner international organisations and thematic experts, all dedicated to make the project successful.
ESAP 1 - the project’s first phase (2016-2019) has supported six Western Balkan economies in labour market, employment and social policy reforms aimed at increasing employment opportunities for citizens across the region.
ESAP 2 - the project’s second phase (2020-2024) expanded to cover additional employment and social policy topics of high relevance for Western Balkans: undeclared work; strengthening institutional capacities to develop, monitor and evaluate evidence-based labour market policies and measures that would work towards more and decent jobs; exposure and engagement of the Western Balkan institutions the EU-wide networks and processes aiming at alignment with the EU acquis and implementation of the European Social Pillar; and increase effectiveness of tripartite and bipartite social dialogue.