Western Balkans Labor Market Trends 2020

01 April 2020 | REPORT

Western Balkans Labor Market Trends 2020

This report is the result of collaboration between the World Bank and the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw). The team comprised Stefanie Brodmann and Gonzalo Reyes (co-task team leaders, World Bank), Hermine Vidovic (lead author main report, wiiw), Sara Johansson de Silva, Alicia Marguerie, Jamele Rigolini (lead authors of special topic, World Bank), Calogero Brancatelli (World Bank), Olga Kupets (World Bank), and Sandra Leitner (wiiw). Monika Schwarzhappel (wiiw) together with Galina Vasaros (wiiw) compiled the regionally comparable database on labor market outcomes and the statistical annex. Goran Paunovic (wiiw) has created and completely redesigned the online graphical user interface. Beate Muck (wiiw) was responsible for the production of graphs. Michaela Bönisch (wiiw) formatted the publication, Clive Liddiard provided editorial support and Carey Jett was responsible for final editing.

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