News Archive
25 March 2025 | News
Workshop on OSH Management in Montenegro: Day One Highlights International Best Practices and Local Challenges
The first day of the International Labour Organization's (ILO) workshop on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Management and Services in Montenegro has set a strong foundation for transformative changes in Montenegro's OSH landscape, with stakeholders committed to fostering a safer and healthier working environment.
18 March 2025 | News
AI provides innovative ways to improve compliance with labour laws
AI is making labour inspections smarter and more effective. MIRA, a tool developed for Albania’s Labour Inspectorate with ILO support, helps inspectors spot workplace violations faster by using machine learning to analyze risks and predict problems. It reduces guesswork, cuts down on paperwork, and ensures fairer, more consistent inspections – ultimately creating safer and more ...
13 March 2025 | News
RCC ESAP 3: Western Balkans Network and European Platform Kick-Start Cooperation in Tackling Undeclared Work
European Labour Authority (ELA) invited Western Balkans Network for Tackling Undeclared Work to take part in the activities of the European Platform Tackling Undeclared Work thus kick-starting mutual cooperation
04 March 2025 | News
Access to Labour Justice for All: Prevention and Resolution of Labour Disputes
The Regional Network of Agencies for Amicable Settlement of Labour Disputes in the Western Balkans convened in Belgrade on 4 March 2025 for a joint meeting with their European Union counterparts on Access to Labour Justice for All: Prevention and Resolution of Labour Disputes. The focus of the meeting was on the prevention and resolution of labour disputes, a critical aspect of ensuring ...
21 February 2025 | News
RCC welcomes Minister of Labour, Employment and Social DIalogue of Montenegro in its Sarajevo Headquarters
Sarajevo – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretary General, Amer Kapetanovic, welcomed Naida Nisic, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social DIalogue of Montenegro, to the RCC headquarters in Sarajevo today.
05 November 2024 | News
RCC ESAP 3: Representatives of the Western Balkan Public Employment Services for the First Time Ever Attended European PES Network’s Stakeholder Conference
'Rethinking support for those furthest from the labour market' Conference gathered over 150 representatives of both public and private employment services, social partners, employers, NGOs, training providers and international organisations
23 October 2024 | News
RCC ESAP 3: Third phase of the Employment and Social Affairs Platform Project (ESAP) kicked off in Budva, Montenegro
ESAP 3 project brought together its partners for a two-day event, held in a hybrid format, to mark the beginning of the Phase 3 of the project
04 September 2024 | News
ILO: Working group begins deliberations on new labour code for entity Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH
The International Labour Organization (ILO), through the European Union-funded project Employment and Social Affairs 3 project, is actively supporting the entity Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina's efforts to align its labour law with EU and International Labour Standards.
16 July 2024 | News
Facilitating Well-functioning Labour Markets and Social Policies in the Western Balkans
Third phase of the EU-Funded Employment and Social Affairs Platform Project Begins
01 May 2024 | News
ILO ESAP: Conference in Skopje Highlights Urgent Need for Occupational Safety Amid Climate Change
On April 26, 2024, a significant conference highlighted the urgent need for improved occupational safety and health measures in response to the growing impacts of climate change. With 58 participants, including key government officials and labor representatives, the event focused on developing specific guidelines to protect workers from extreme heat and other climate-related hazards.
30 April 2024 | News
RCC Secretary General on The Occasion of Labour Day: How to Mark this Holiday, with more Persons Employed in the Western Balkans and Fewer Abroad?
Sarajevo – May 1st brings workers around the Western Balkans and the world a well-deserved break from work, but also reminds us of ongoing battles for improved working conditions, brain drain, long-term unemployment and undeclared work.
16 March 2024 | News
Painting the Western Balkans’ Labour Markets in Brighter Colours - Op-Ed by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu
Op-ed by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu discusses the evolving labor market trends in the Western Balkans, highlighting a decrease in unemployment rates but also pointing out significant challenges such as skill shortages, emigration of talented workers, and disparities in vocational education participation. It emphasizes the importance of addressing ...
12 December 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Innovations and paving path to better working conditions
More than 60 participants from the Western Balkans gathered this week in Tirana, Albania, for Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2 regional meeting to discuss project’s accomplishments, explore innovations and pave path towards better working conditions. This meeting also marked an end to ESAP 2, a three-year project funded by the European Union and implemented by the ...
08 December 2023 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Western Balkan Public Employment Services Visit Employment Service of Slovenia to discuss aligning Western Balkan practices with the EU requirements
RCC ESAP 2 Organised a Two-day Thematic Study Visit to Employment Service of Slovenia to discuss Active Labour Market Policies and Measures: good practices, IT solutions, databases, statistics and reporting
30 November 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Newly hired inspectors undergo training in occupational health and safety
Through projects Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2 and Promoting Decent Work through Strengthening Occupational Safety and Health Management, the International Labour Organization (ILO) trained 30 newly hired labour inspectors in Kosovo* in occupational safety and health. The trainings were held on November 22-24 and November 27-30, 2023.
07 November 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Addressing undeclared work among seasonal workers
On October 24-25, 2023, Skopje hosted Regional Workshop “Peer Learning Exchange on Labour Force Movement and Seasonal Work: Addressing Undeclared Work” organized by the Employment and Social Affairs (ESAP) 2 project. This event was funded by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the European Union.
27 October 2023 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Western Balkan Enforcement Authorities Explore Cyprus' Approach to Undeclared Work and Discuss Platform Work
RCC ESAP 2 Organised a Two-day Thematic Study Visit to Cyprus Labour Inspectorate, Focused on Tackling Undeclared Work in the Western Balkans within Its Mutual Assistance Projects
24 October 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Reflections on the introduction of Universal Labour Guarantee in selected Central and Eastern European countries published
Publication Reflections on the introduction of Universal Labour Guarantee in selected Central and Eastern European countries is the result of the discussions and research conducted within the Sub-regional Network of Labour Experts in Central and Eastern European countries (CEELex). The work of CEELex has been undertaken under the Employment and Social Affairs Platform Project (ESAP) ...
20 October 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Training for inspectors in the Albanian State Labour Inspectorate and Social Services successfully completed
With the technical assistance of the International Labor Organization and the financial support of the European Union, under the Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2, the Albanian State Labour Inspectorate and Social Services (ASLSS) successfully completed a ten-day training of all its inspectors on the Platform of Matrix of Penalties with special focus on the Risk Assessment System ...
16 October 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: More than 150 participants gather to discuss safe and healthy work conditions of labour migrants
The conference „Occupational safety and health without borders“ gathered more than 150 renowned experts, as well as representatives of governments and non-governmental organizations to discuss the topic of labour migrants and their right to safe and protected workplace. The participants came from the Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and ...
05 October 2023 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Strengthening Capacities of Western Balkans’ Public Employment Services for Alignment of the Labour Market Policies Databases with the EU Requirements
ESAP 2 organised regional workshop for Western Balkans’ Public Employment Services on classification and recording of Labour Market Policies and roadmaps for their alignment with the EU practices
29 September 2023 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Western Balkan Enforcement Authorities Address Challenges of Under-declared Work
Tirana – Under-declared work/envelope wages was a topic for discussion of the enforcement authorities from the Western Balkans at the one-day regional Workshop organised by the Regional Cooperation Council's (RCC) Employment and Social Affairs Platform project (ESAP2) in Tirana, Albania today. The Workshop followed the successful completion of the Mutual Assistance Project (MAP) ...
12 September 2023 | News
Consultation on behalf of DG NEAR on the IPA Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2021-2023 – Regional Call for Proposals 2023-2024
The European Commission, DG NEAR, plans to support Civil Society Organisations (CSO) through the Civil Society Facility (CSF) and Media Programme by launching a regional Call for Proposals in late 2023 or early 2024. They are asking CSOs to provide input through a survey to better understand their needs and align their support accordingly. The survey can be filled by 15 September 2023 by ...
26 July 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Study visit to USA to improve dispute settlement system in Serbia
With an aim to expand knowledge and identify possibilities for improvements and capacity-building, project “Ensuring adequate access to grievance mechanisms for the workers in automotive, electrical, and textile industry in Serbia” and Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2 organized study visit of the Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes of Serbia (RAMRRS) ...
21 July 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Data Mining and Machine Learning: A Cutting-Edge Approach to Address Informal Work
Ada Huibregtse, Chief Technical Advisor at International Labour Organization (ILO), in charge of Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2, participated in the 8th Regulating for Decent Work Conference: Ensuring decent work in times of uncertainty. The Conference took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from July 10 to 12, 2023. The conference focused on areas such as macroeconomic policies, ...
12 July 2023 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Mutual Assistance Projects to Combat Undeclared Work in the Western Balkans Successfully Concluded
Regional Cooperation Council’s (RCC) Employment and Social Affairs Platform 2 (ESAP 2) in partnership with Albanian and North Macedonian’s Labour Inspectorates hosted the Mutual Assistance Projects (MAPs) aimed at enhancing the performance of Western Balkan enforcement authorities in tackling undeclared work. The session held today, with partners from North Macedonia was the last ...
15 June 2023 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Strengthening Enforcement Authorities’ Efforts in Combating Undeclared Work
ESAP 2–organised 2023 Follow-Up MAP visits reflect on progress made in tackling undeclared work in Western Balkan economies
29 May 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: CEELex members meet to discuss the role of workers' representatives
Members of the Network of Central and Eastern Labour Law Experts, CEELex, gathered for their regular annual meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on May 9 and 10, 2023. The meeting was attended by 14 CEELex members from the Western Balkans and European Union (EU) participating in Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2 project. ESAP 2 project is funded by the EU and implemented by the ...
25 May 2023 | News
RCC ESAP 2 Takes Part at ETF’s Workshop "Evidence Consolidation and Use in Active Labour Market Policies and Transition to Work"
Turin, 24-25 May 2023 - The European Training Foundation (ETF) organised a workshop focused on evidence use and consolidation in the fields of Active Labour Market Policies (ALMP) and transition to work. The event aimed to facilitate knowledge sharing and mutual learning among participants, specifically emphasizing the dimension of skills.
03 May 2023 | News
The ILO's Strategic Compliance Planning in Action: Stories of Change is out
The stories chronicle practical uses of the ILO’s Strategic Compliance Planning methodology to help labour inspectorates overcome limited resources and enforcement powers to achieve measurable improvements in labour law compliance for over 500,000 workers across 12 Member States. To access the publication, please click here.
28 April 2023 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Moderate progress of the Western Balkan economies regarding the European Pillar of Social Rights
RCC’s ESAP 2 project brought together its partners for a two-day event, held in a hybrid format, to deliberate on employment and social issues.
28 April 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Ada Huibregtse stresses the importance of digitalization and optimization of public services during Forum on Business Climate in Albania
Ada Huibregtse, Chief Technical Advisor at International Labour Organization (ILO) in charge of Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2, participated at the Forum on Business Climate 2023 organized by the Albanian Ministry of Finance and Economy on 24- 26 April 2023.
11 April 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Regional Peer Review Report of the Labour Inspectorates in the Western Balkans published
The regional Peer Review Report of the Labour Inspectorates of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Entity Federation of BiH - Canton Sarajevo and Entity Republika Srpska), Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia contains a comparative summary of participating labour inspectorates' structures and functions, as well as findings, recommendations and conclusions of seven peer reviews ...
02 April 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: The ADSL institutions in the Western Balkans reinforce commitments to improving their effectiveness through evidence-based decision-making and knowledge sharing
Representatives of the regional network of the institutions for amicable settlement of labour disputes (ASLD) in the Western Balkans met to discuss the progress with performance monitoring and benchmarking of the participating institutions; introduce a self-assessing diagnostic tool developed by the International Labour Organization (ILO); and hear of the experiences from their counterparts ...
28 March 2023 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Annual Regional Meeting of the Institutions for Amicable Settlement of Labour Disputes starts on March 29, 2023
Annual Regional Meeting of the Institutions for Amicable Settlement of Labour Disputes will take place in Budva, Montenegro on March 29-30, 2023. Agenda of the meeting can be found here.
18 January 2023 | News
Annual ESAP 2 Newsletter, giving overview of project activities and accomplishments during 2022, is now online.
24 November 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Looking at Social Ability to Provide Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
Marking the 2022 International Day of Persons with Disabilities
27 October 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Final Event of 2022 PES Bench-learning Cycle
Employment and Social Affairs Platform 2 (ESAP 2) project of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) gathered representatives of the Western Balkans Public Employment Services (PES) for the Final Regional Event – “Mutual Learning and Best Practices” of the 2022 WB Cycle of PES Bench-learning
25 October 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Active Labour Market Measures, Youth Guarantee Experience, Digital Channels and other Topics Exchanged During the Western Balkans’ Public Employment Services Study Visit to Croatia
Employment and Social Affairs Platform 2 (ESAP 2) project of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) organized a topical Study Visit of Western Balkans’ Public Employment Services (PES) to their PES peers in Croatia
24 October 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Regional meeting of Economic and Social Councils provides participants with diverse ideas on collective bargaining
Regional meeting of the Economic and Social Councils continued on October 20, 2022 in Tirana, Albania, with presentation of diverse ideas on collective bargaining.
20 October 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Economic and Social Councils discuss promotion of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the Western Balkans
More than 35 members of the Economic and Social Councils discussed promotion of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the Western Balkans at the regional meeting in Tirana, Albania, on October 19 and 20, 2022.
07 October 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2 holds Virtual training on Economic and Social Council Performance Benchmarking Tool
As part of the Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2, representatives of Economic and Social Councils (ESC) from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia attended virtual training on ESC Performance Benchmarking Tool.
23 September 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2 Supports Dialogue on Employment of Foreign Workers in Bosnia and Herzegovina
ESAP 2 project provided support for organizing the Conference “Employment of foreign workers – perspectives and opportunities”, co-organized with the Labour and Employment Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
21 September 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2 facilitates staff exchange on undeclared work between Tax Administration of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina that hosted representatives of Ministry of Finance, Labour and Transfers, Tax and Labour Inspectorates from Pristina
RCC ESAP 2 organizes two-day staff exchange between Tax Administration of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ministry of Finance, Labour and Transfers, Tax and Labour Inspectorates from Pristina
12 September 2022 | News
RCC ESAP: 2022 Western Balkans PES Bench-learning cycle comes full circle with the Peer Visit of Western Balkans’ Public Employment Services to their colleagues in Serbia
RCC’s ESAP 2 project organized the peer visit of representatives of Public Employment Services (PESs) from Western Balkan economies to the Serbian PES
10 August 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Campaign to reduce undeclared work launched in North Macedonia
More than 4,000 people were reached during the two-day awareness raising public campaign to reduce undeclared work in the tourist and catering facilities in Ohrid and Struga, North Macedonia on August 8 and 9, 2022.
09 August 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Interview with Albana Kuka, from the State Labour Inspectorate and Social Services in Albania, on the value of study visits in exchanging experience and helping reduce undeclared work
As part of the Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) organised a study visit of six high-level representatives of Albanian State Inspectorate of Labour and Social Services (ASLISS) to the Hellenic Labour Inspectorate (HLI) in Greece. The study visit took place between June 13 to 15, 2022.
25 July 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2: 5th Peer Visit of Western Balkans’ Public Employment Services to their colleagues in Albania within 2022 cycle of PES Bench-learning, supported by RCC ESAP 2
RCC’s ESAP 2 project organized the 5th peer visit of representatives of Public Employment Services (PESs) from Western Balkan economies to the Agency for Employment and Skills in Albania
01 July 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: CEELEX network members discuss latest developments in the area of employment terminations
Latest developments in the area of employment terminations and their relations to COVID-19 pandemic were discussed at the annual meeting of members of Central Eastern European Labour Legislation database (CEELEX) network.
01 July 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2: 2022 Cycle of PES Bench-learning supported by RCC ESAP 2 continued with peer visits of representatives of Western Balkans’ Public Employment Services to their peers in Prishtina
RCC’s ESAP 2 project organized the 4th peer visit of representatives of Public Employment Services (PESs) from Western Balkan economies to the PES in Prishtina
22 June 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Representatives of Western Balkans’ Public Employment Services and French PES visit their peers in Montenegro within the 2022 Cycle of PES Bench-learning supported by RCC ESAP 2
RCC’s ESAP 2 project organized the 3rd peer visit of representatives of Public Employment Services (PESs) from Western Balkan economies to the PES of Montenegro as part of the 2022 PES bench-learning cycle
22 June 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Online training on Labour Market Statistics
As an introduction for Regional Training of National Statistical Office Staff, Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2 organised preparatory online training on June 20, 2022 focusing on Labour Market Statistics.
09 June 2022 | News
Eighth online training: Greening Apprenticeships − the role of apprenticeships in the green transition
The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) has launched the eighth in a series of online training modules designed to provide insight into apprenticeship systems within the EU.
09 June 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Representatives of Western Balkans’ Public Employment Services from five Western Balkan economies and Croatia visit their peers in North Macedonia within the 2022 Cycle of PES Bench-learning supported by RCC ESAP 2
RCC’s ESAP 2 project organized the 2nd peer visit of representatives of Public Employment Services (PESs) from five Western Balkan economies to the PES of North Macedonia as part of the 2022 PES bench-learning cycle
03 June 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Sharing solutions to challenges faces by the Inspectorates in the Western Balkans
Regional Meeting of Labour Inspectorates of the Western Balkans organised under the framework of Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP 2), financed by the European Union and implemented by International Labour Organisation (ILO), continued on May 31, 2022 with a number of presentations dedicated to providing ideas and solutions to challenges faced by the Inspectorates in addressing ...
01 June 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Peer Visits within the 2022 Cycle of PES Bench-learning supported by RCC ESAP 2 Start with Visit of Western Balkans’ PES Peers to Bosnia and Herzegovina
RCC’s ESAP 2 project organized the 1st peer visit of representatives of Public Employment Services (PESs) from Western Balkan economies to the PESs of Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of the 2022 PES bench-learning cycle
30 May 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Regional meeting of Labour Inspectorates starts in Sarajevo
With an aim to increase capacities and outreach of the Western Balkans’ labour inspectorates in preventing and reducing undeclared work, International Labour Organisation (ILO) organised two-day Regional Meeting of Labour Inspectorates. The meeting started on May 30, 2022 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
19 May 2022 | News
Europe’s Public Employment Services seek a new post-COVID-19 equilibrium
A new study by the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES Network) has highlighted that the post-COVID recovery will not mean a simple return to pre-COVID normality for Europe’s PES. Find out how adaptations by PES in areas such as online services, homeworking, expanded services and new partnerships will continue to impact on PES’ future strategies.
19 May 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Inspectorate of Republika Srpska receives valuable IT equipment
IT equipment valued at BAM 33,000 was delivered today to the Inspectorate of Republika Srpska through the regional project Employment and Social Affairs Platform 2 (ESAP 2). Project ESAP 2 is financed by the European Union and implemented by the International Labour Organisation.
12 May 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Mediators from BiH, Montenegro and Serbia attend regional training
Regional training of mediators from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia titled “Improving the efficacy of mediation in solving labour disputes” was organised from May 11 to 13, 2021 in Zlatibor, Serbia.
09 May 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Improving Performance of the Economic and Social Councils in the Western Balkans
On the second day of Economic and Social Councils’ (ESC) regional meeting, organised by Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2 project on May 5 -6, 2022, participants attended workshop that opened discussion of ESC’s performance data for 2021.
05 May 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Regional meeting with Economic and Social Councils starts in Montenegro
Representatives of Economic and Social Councils (ESC) from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia started their two-day regional meeting on May 5, 2022. The meeting is organised as part of Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2 project. ESAP 2 is a regional 3-year project funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the International ...
28 April 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Labour Inspectors from Western Balkans, including Tax Authorities from some economies, visited Norwegian Labour Inspectorate and Social Partners, exchanging experiences and practices on tackling informal employment
RCC ESAP 2 organized a thematic Study Visit to Norway within its Mutual Assistance Projects focused on Tackling Undeclared Work in the Western Balkans
21 April 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2: More Active Women in the Labour Markets, Stronger PES in the Western Balkan Economies
RCC’s ESAP 2 Project organized 2-day Regional Event (Women and Work and Stronger PES) to discuss women employment and specific actions to enhance Public Employment Services in the Western Balkans
21 March 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Interview with Aleksandar Ristovski, author of the Analysis on Collective Bargaining in North Macedonia
ILO interviewed Mr. Aleksandar Ristovski, author of the Analysis on Collective Bargaining in North Macedonia and Associate Professor of Labour Law at Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje in North Macedonia, who provided us with the answers on some of the aspects of the Analysis. The analysis can be downloaded here (in English) and here ...
18 March 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2 publishes Analysis on Collective Bargaining in North Macedonia
Through Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2, funded by the European Union, International Labour Organisation is proud to announce the publishing of An Analysis on Collective Bargaining in North Macedonia. This analysis (can be downloaded here (English) and here (Macedonian)) gives an overview of the state of play of collective bargaining in North Macedonia gathered through ...
11 March 2022 | News
Bregu: When women engage, take responsibilities, grow and help each other they can be a rising tide that lifts all boats
RCC launces the first Regional Women in Entrepreneurship Network in the Western Balkans
07 March 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2 contributes to capacity building of mediators and arbiters in Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Following the adoption of the Law on Prohibition of Harassment at Work in 2021, the Agency for Amicable Settlement of Labour Disputes in Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, launched a series of capacity building activities for its mediators and arbiters.
25 February 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Youth Guarantee and Active Labour Market Measures in focus of series of seminars for Public Employment Services in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Employment and Social Affairs Platform 2 project organized a series of seminars for Public Employment Services (PES) in Bosnia and Herzegovina: PES of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, PES of Republika Srpska and PES of Brcko District in Bosnia and Herzegovina
02 February 2022 | News
Eurostat: in December 2021 Euro area unemployment was at 7.0%, EU at 6.4%
In December 2021, the euro area seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 7.0%, down from 7.1% in November 2021 and from 8.2% in December 2020. The EU unemployment rate was 6.4% in December 2021, down from 6.5% in November 2021 and from 7.5% in December 2020. These figures are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
31 January 2022 | News
ILO ESAP 2: Amicable Settlement of Labour Disputes institutions in the Western Balkans agree on Regional Performance Benchmarking Framework
Participants from seven Amicable Settlement of Labour Disputes institutions in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Republika Srpska, Bulgaria, Hungary, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia) attended virtual meeting on Regional Performance Benchmarking Framework held on 31 January 2022.
25 January 2022 | News
RCC ESAP 2 Evaluated Active Labour Market Measures in North Macedonia and Presented Findings to Public Employment Service
RCC ESAP 2 presented the Analytical Report “Impact Assessment of the Active Labour Market Measures in North Macedonia” to staff of Public Employment Service (PES) in North Macedonia, in a technical workshop focused on select active labour market measures.
11 January 2022 | News
Eurostat: November 2021 - Euro area unemployment at 7.2%; EU at 6.5%
09 December 2021 | News
RCC ESAP 2 Presents the Analytical Report on Impact of Active Labour Market Measures in North Macedonia
RCC ESAP 2 team together with its partners from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy from North Macedonia organized the presentation of the Analytical report
02 December 2021 | News
European Union is Our Future, No Alternative, Interview by RCC Secretary General for Novi Magazin
Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu spoke to Serbian Novi Magazin about Western Balkans EU integration, Common Regional Market and Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, region's response to Covid-19 pandemic and much more.
26 November 2021 | News
ILO supports labour inspectorates of Western Balkans: Peer reviews of Canton Sarajevo and Republika Srpska
Labour Inspectorate teams from Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia conducted two peer reviews in Bosnia and Herzegovina that focused on experiential learning and knowledge sharing in order to perform effective inspections.
23 November 2021 | News
RCC ESAP 2 together with the Labour Inspectorate from Serbia co-hosted the 5th Mutual Assistance Project Aimed at Enhancing Performance in Tackling Undeclared Work
As part of the 2021 Series of Mutual Assistance Projects, one-day MAP session was organized by the RCC ESAP 2 together with the Labour Inspectorate from Serbia
15 November 2021 | News
Inspectors from Western Balkans Labour Inspectorates conduct peer reviews (VIDEO)
As part of the Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) 2 project, implemented by the Interational Labour Organization, 42 inspectors from seven labour inspectorates in the Western Balkans participated in the peer reviews during October and November, 2021. The aim of the peer reviews was to increase labour inspectors’ capacities in addressing informal employment and undeclared ...
03 November 2021 | News
Euroindicators by Eurostat for September 2021 - Euro area unemployment at 7.4%; EU at 6.7%
27 October 2021 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Youth-Tailored Solutions Require Youth Participation
RCC’s ESAP 2 Team Leader Amira Ramhorst presented data on youth unemployment at the Mid-Term Conference on Youth Unemployment organised by RCC's Western Balkans Youth Lab Project
25 October 2021 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Sharing and Learning among Peers from Western Balkan and European Enforcement Authorities Continue at 4th ESAP 2 Mutual Assistance Project Session in 2021
Enhancing performance of Western Balkan enforcement authorities in tackling undeclared continues through mutual exchange
19 October 2021 | News
Practitioners from the Western Balkans attend ESAP 2 training: RESOLVING LABOUR DISPUTES MORE EFFECTIVELY BENEFITS EVERYONE
Labour disputes are expensive, time consuming and affect individuals, communities and, subsequently, whole economies. As conflict is inevitable in employment relationships, establishing effective labour dispute resolution processes is one of the keys to minimizing the occurrence and consequences of workplace conflict. Resolving disputes more quickly and more effectively benefits everyone.
14 October 2021 | News
ESAP 2 increases capacities of Labour Inspectorates through peer reviews
With an aim to increase the capacities of Western Balkan Labour Inspectorates to address informal employment and undeclared work, ILO ESAP 2 team will organise seven peer reviews during October and November, 2021.
13 October 2021 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Western Balkans’ Social Scoreboard and Accompanying Reports Regarding European Pillar of Social Rights Presented by ESAP 2 Project
RCC’s ESAP 2 project gathered its partners and beneficiaries at a 2-day hybrid event to discuss employment and social affairs
08 October 2021 | News
ESAP 2 provides new tools to increase effectiveness of the Agencies for Amicable Settlement of Labour Disputes in Western Balkans
On October 6 and 7, 2021, Annual Regional Meeting of Network of Agencies for Amicable Settlement of Labour Disputes (ASLD) gathered in Belgrade 28 participants from five Western Balkan economies to discuss improving ASLD Institutions through Performance Benchmarking Framework and Case Management Systems.
08 October 2021 | News
ILO Training Program on Skills for Effective Dispute Resolution Starts in Belgrade
Amicable Settlement of Labour Disputes Network Members and Mediators from five Western Balkans economies gathered in Belgrade on October 7 and 8, 2021 for trainings on skills for effective dispute resolutions.
06 October 2021 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Mutual Assistance Project on how to enhance performance of enforcement authorities in tackling undeclared work continues with Tax Administration Partners from the Western Balkans and Europe
3rd MAP session co-hosted by the RCC ESAP 2 and Tax Administration of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
06 October 2021 | News
Regional Meeting of the Network of Agencies for Amicable Settlement of Labour Disputes kicks off in Belgrade
Two-day annual regional meeting of the Network of Agencies for amicable settlement of labour disputes (ASLD) kicked off today in Belgrade, Serbia.
01 October 2021 | News
New report shows employment and unemployment rates nearly back at pre-crisis levels
The newest quarterly review of Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) shows that the EU economy and labour market have started to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic with employment and unemployment at almost pre-crisis rates.
21 September 2021 | News
CEELEX Network Annual Meeting: Ensuring all workers enjoy basic labour rights
Members of Central Eastern European Labour Legislation database (CEELEX) network held their annual meeting in Saranda, Albania on September 2 and 3, 2021.
21 September 2021 | News
Eurostat: Living conditions statistics at regional level
08 September 2021 | News
Social protection and inclusion policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis
A Synthesis Report has been produced by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN)
02 September 2021 | News
CEELex Network Annual Meeting Starts in Albania
Two day annual meeting of the Central Eastern European Labour Legislation database (CEELex) Network started today in Saranda, Albania.
01 September 2021 | News
Recent social policy developments in Albania, Italy, Malta, Montenegro and Spain
Six new Flash Reports prepared by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) are now available and provide information on recent social policy developments in Albania, Italy, Malta, Montenegro and Spain.
18 August 2021 | News
Eurostat: Statistics on employment characteristics of households
This article, using the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) data, gives insight into characteristics of households with regard to employment. Results are presented for the EU as a whole, for all EU Member States individually, but also for four candidate countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). More statistics on this topic can be found in the Eurostat database ...
30 July 2021 | News
Eurostat: Euro area unemployment at 7.7%
Eurostat, June 2021: Euro area unemployment at 7.7%, EU at 7.1%
22 July 2021 | News
Public Employment Services smoothing the transition to a greener economy
A new report from the European Network of Public Employment Services highlights the crucial role that PES can play in smoothing the labour market transition to a greener economy, one of the key European objectives of the coming years.
18 July 2021 | News
Pilot measure to reduce the number of undeclared workers launched in North Macedonia
New pilot measure that aims to reduce undeclared work in the tourist and catering facilities was launched this month with awareness raising open-air events in Ohrid and Struga, North Macedonia. The pilot measure is part of the projects Employment and Social Affairs Platform - ESAP 2 and Strengthening the social dialogue. Both projects are financed by the European Union and ...
16 July 2021 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Report “The Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policy in Montenegro” Presented in Podgorica Today
RCC’s ESAP 2 Project Supports Partners from Montenegro in Evaluating Active Labour Market Policy within its Technical Assistance Instrument
14 July 2021 | News
Over 1 in 6 young adults not in employment or education
Over one in six (17.6 %) of young adults aged 20 to 34 were neither in employment nor education and training (NEET) in 2020 in the European Union (EU), an increase of 1.2 percentage points over 2019.
08 July 2021 | News
Second EU – Western Balkans Ministerial Meeting on Employment and Social Affairs
With support from the European Union, the Western Balkans will enhance labour market integration of young people.
06 July 2021 | News
Employment and Social Developments in Europe review shows diverse impact of COVID-19 crisis
Today, the Commission's services have published the 2021 edition of the Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) review.
05 July 2021 | News
Bregu: Let the Roaming Free be the turning point for the regional cooperation - “Borderless Connectivity” benefits everyone
RCC Secretary General Bregu takes part in the Berlin Process Summit hosted by German Chancellor Merkel
02 July 2021 | News
Regional Roaming Agreement is clear: Roaming charges in the Western Balkans are now ZERO
NO surcharge while in roaming in addition to the domestic retail price for calls, SMS & data in Western Balkans as of 1 July 2021
02 July 2021 | News
Bregu: 71% of young people from Western Balkans would go live and work abroad – this is an alarm bell for us all
RCC Secretary General takes part at the high-level plenary session of the Prespa Forum Dialogue
01 July 2021 | News
European Skills Agenda & Youth Employment Support: one year on
Already one year has passed since the European Skills Agenda saw the light of day. Time to take stock and look ahead.
01 July 2021 | News
May 2021: Euro area unemployment at 7.9%; EU at 7.3%
In May 2021, the euro area seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 7.9%, down from 8.1% in April 2021 and up from 7.5% in May 2020. The EU unemployment rate was 7.3% in May 2021, down from 7.4% in April 2021 and up from 6.9% in May 2020.These figures are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
28 June 2021 | News
Occupational safety and health in a changing world of work
14 June 2021 | News
Council adopts European Child Guarantee
The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) has adopted the Commission proposal on establishing a European Child Guarantee.
11 June 2021 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Data do matter for identifying effective measures and policies in addressing labour markets’ structural weaknesses, including informal employment in particular
RCC’s ESAP 2 Project presents Study on Labour Markets in the Western Balkans at “Data Matters” webinar
08 June 2021 | News
Meeting of ILO and Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes in Serbia representatives
Representatives of International Labor Organisation Ada Huibregtse, Chief Technical Advisor, and Jovan Protić, National Coordinator for the Republic of Serbia visited the Republic Agency for Peaceful Resolution of Labor Disputes on June 8, 2021.
04 June 2021 | News
How to adapt employment services to build trust with vulnerable young jobseekers
Public Employment Services (PES) have a key role to play in implementing the reinforced Youth Guarantee (YG), but can only do this successfully by showing flexibility in their offer to reach and gain the trust of vulnerable young people – often through partnership-based approaches.
31 May 2021 | News
Bregu: With regional youth unemployment rate at 35.1% the need to act is clear, as youth is our most precious asset
RCC’s ESAP Project presents Study on Youth Employment in the Western Balkans
28 May 2021 | News
Bregu: Congratulations to all Balkathon winners who showed young people of our region are innovative and creative
6 winning ideas from the Western Balkans awarded at the final Balkathon 2.0 competition ceremony today
20 May 2021 | News
Be creative. Be surprising. How Public Employment Services can communicate better
The European PES Network has published a new “practice casebook” for good communication by Public Employment Services (PES). It provides all the latest ideas and experiences on how PES across Europe can communicate effectively with their clients and ensure positive visibility for their ‘brand’.
17 May 2021 | News
Long working hours increasing deaths from heart disease and stroke: WHO, ILO
Long working hours led to 745 000 deaths from stroke and ischemic heart disease in 2016, a 29 per cent increase since 2000, according to the latest estimates by the World Health Organization and the International Labour Organization published in Environment International today.
17 May 2021 | News
How usual is it to work from home?
07 May 2021 | News
Porto Social Summit: all partners commit to 2030 social targets
05 May 2021 | News
BALKATHON 2.0 IS ON: Apply till 19 May and you can win mentoring and one of six awards from the 54.000 EUR award fund
For the second time the RCC is organising an online competition for best digital solutions – Balkathon 2.0
30 April 2021 | News
COVID-19 and the World of Decent Work
Article on the occasion of 1 May, Labour Day by Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)
26 April 2021 | News
Social partners fully engage in the new EU Strategic Framework on Occupational safety and health
The dedicated consultation on 21 April showed that social partners are key actors in ensuring health and safety at work, which has become more important during the COVID-19 pandemic.
21 April 2021 | News
EU: Labour market in 2020
In 2020, the labour market in the EU was heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The employment rate for persons aged 20-64 dropped to 72.4%, down by 0.7 percentage points (pp) in comparison to 2019. The employment rate for men of that age group stood at 78.1%, down from 79.0% in 2019. The employment rate for women was 66.8%, down from 67.3%. This development led to a further decrease ...
19 April 2021 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Greater engagement of social partners in tackling undeclared work in the Western Balkans is much needed, authorities and social partners agree
Webinar “Improving Social Partner Involvement in Tackling Undeclared Work” in the Western Balkans held today under RCC-implemented, EU-funded ESAP 2 project
19 April 2021 | News
Temporary lay-offs from work record high in 2020
The beginning of 2020 was marked by an outbreak of the worldwide pandemic COVID-19, leading almost all governments around the globe to take restrictive measures. To prevent the spread of the virus and to ensure distancing of people, many businesses were temporarily shut down and many employees confined to their homes. The number of people absent from their jobs reflected these changes.
16 April 2021 | News
RCC ESAP 2: Balance between prevention and deterrence one of key elements for successful, structured approach to formalizing undeclared work
Third Plenary meeting of the Western Balkan Network Tackling Undeclared Work held online today under the RCC-implemented and EU-funded ESAP 2 project
15 April 2021 | News
EU Labour market flows in Q4 2020
15 April 2021 | News
Bregu: Men outnumber women in the region’s labour force by more than a million
RCC and UNDP launched Regional Network of Women in STEM
08 April 2021 | News
Western Balkans endorses Tirana Declaration to Support Tourism in the Region
RCC is refocusing sustainable tourism agenda as an integrated part of Common Regional Market
06 April 2021 | News
Euro area unemployment at 8.3%, EU at 7.5% in February 2021, Eurostat publishes
In February 2021, the euro area seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 8.3%, stable compared with January 2021 and up from 7.3% in February 2020. The EU unemployment rate was 7.5% in February 2021, also stable compared with January 2021 and up from 6.5% in February 2020. These figures are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
29 March 2021 | News
How women are being left behind in the quest for decent work for all
The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals set out a shared vision to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030. Will the pandemic reverse progress in advancing decent work for all as prescribed under Goal 8? It seems likely, at least for women.
24 March 2021 | News
Commission proposes action to uphold child rights and support children in need
The Commission has today adopted the first comprehensive EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, as well as a proposal for a Council Recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee, to promote equal opportunities for children at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
08 March 2021 | News
RCC’s “WE’’ Campaign Continues: Only once you are authentic, can you truly bring your best into the business!
Marking the 8th of March, International Women’s Day, with ZOJA KUKIC, a remarkable young woman from Serbia
04 March 2021 | News
The European Pillar of Social Rights: turning principles into actions
Today the Commission sets out its ambition for a strong Social Europe that focuses on jobs and skills for the future and paves the way for a fair, inclusive and resilient socio-economic recovery.
03 March 2021 | News
Union of Equality: European Commission presents Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030
Today, the European Commission presents an ambitious Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 to ensure their full participation in society, on an equal basis with others in the EU and beyond, in line with the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which establish equality and non-discrimination as ...
02 March 2021 | News
Futorismo awards 7 best ideas from the region to help Western Balkans tourism sector to mitigate COVID-19 effects
Bregu: Futourismo is a new hope to help our region recover its tourism
23 February 2021 | News
Bregu: Roaming free Western Balkans as of 1 July 2021 brings the region one step closer to the WB-EU roaming charges reduction
As of 1 July 2021 Western Balkans will be roaming free
12 February 2021 | News
Op-Ed: Women’s empowerment is essential to Western Balkans’ efforts to build back better from the pandemic
By Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and Mirjana Spoljaric, Regional Director for UNDP’s Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
03 February 2021 | News
RCC launches FUTOURISMO, regional competition to boost tourism in the Western Balkans
Ride the Digital Waves - 6 most successful ideas to get 15,000 EUR each
29 January 2021 | News
Recovering from COVID-19: How and With Whom?
OBSERVING the Western Balkans through Employment Observatory Article by Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)