Building on the successes of ESAP 2 project, activities under Employment Formalisation component aim to further strengthen the capacities of the Western Balkans Network Tackling Undeclared Work (Network) to formulate and implement evidence-based policies, ultimately preparing it for integration into the European Labour Authority (ELA). This network involves key stakeholders in tackling undeclared work such as Ministries of Labour and Social Affairs, enforcement authorities (Labour Inspectorates, Tax Authorities), and consults with social partners.
Moreover, this component builds upon successful practice of ESAP 2 to provide Western Balkans Six stakeholders with evidence-based policy options to employment formalisation. The results will expand the knowledge base related to formalisation generated in the Western Balkan context, support stakeholders to integrate evidence into their policies, and assist in implementation where needed.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.