
High-level sub regional meeting of labour inspectorates

05 April 2017 - 06 April 2017 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The technical meeting for the official establishment of this network and preparation for the roll-out of the labour inspection campaign in the construction sector took place on 5 – 6 April 2017, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

The main result of the meeting was the agreement of the participating Labour Inspectorates to form a joint network in the Western Balkans, while using the experiences of the Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC) existing at the EU level.

The network will be institutionalized through the signing of a MoU of all the participating ESAP countries expectedly ultimo 2017.

Related documents and links

Senior Labour Inspectors Committee
Conducting Labour Inspections on Construction - A guide for labour inspectors