Labour Inspection Campaign Planning Workshop
17 January 2018 - 18 January 2018 Tirana, Albania

Labour Inspection Campaign Planning Workshop in Tirana, 17 – 18 January 2018

Labour Inspection Campaign Planning Workshop in Tirana, 17 – 18 January 2018
ILO is implementing national preparatory workshops for labour inspectors and relevant staff from the ministries in charge of labour inspection. The overall objective is to prepare for inspection campaigns on occupational safety and health (OSH) in the construction sector on selected hazards. Furthermore, practical tools for onsite visits and reporting as well as campaign material is provided by ILO – based on ILO’s long standing work experience in with labour inspectorates in the Western Balkans.
The assistance is provided by ILO’s experienced Labour Inspection experts and is based on the new ILO LI guide from 2017 “Conducting Labour Inspections on Construction”.
Related documents and links
Presentation - Guidance for campaignsPresentation - Integrated labour inspection in construction
Presentation - Planning inspection campaigns key elements and experiences
Presentation - Risk assessment
Presentation - Working group
Presentation - Inspection of other conditions of work in construction
Guide for Labour Inspectors
Brochure - Personal protective equipment
Brochure - Prevent falls
Brochure - Work at hights
Brochure - Personal protective equipment - Albanian translated
Brochure - Prevent falls - Albanian translated
Brochure - Work at hights - Albanian translated
Brochure - Personal protective equipment - Montenegrian translated
Brochure - Prevent falls - Montenegrian translated
Brochure - Work at hights - Montenegrian translated