
High Level Sub Regional Conference on Results of Peer Reviews of ESCs in the Western Balkans

05 July 2017 - 06 July 2017 Belgrade, Serbia

ILO organised a high-level sub-regional conference on the Economic and Social Councils (ESCs) in the Western Balkans, in Belgrade on 5-6 July 2017

The conference was officially opened by the Serbian Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy, Mr Zoran Đorđević, the director of the ILO DWT/Co Budapest, Mr. Antonio Graziosi and the, representative of DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion European Commission, Mr Kiril Kiryakov.

Tripartite delegations of the ESCs from the six ESAP target countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo*? and Serbia) attended the conference. 

The Conference objectives were to facilitate:

  • Sharing of the Peer Review Teams findings and the responses to their respective reports.
  • Presentation of Consolidated Report on Peer Review of ESCs in the Western Balkans.
  • ESCs to make specific commitments to prioritise recommendations/actions to be fulfilled within the next phase of the project.
  • Planning for the capacity building required for the support and implementation of the recommendations agreed upon during the Conference and the future operation of the ESCs.
  • Sharing inspiring practices of tripartite social dialogue institutions from EU countries (Denmark, Poland and Portugal).


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